43th Technology Fair of Inatel – Fetin
Dear students and partners,
The Instituto Nacional De Telecomunicações – Inatel, Institution of Higher Education and Research, accredited by MEC and by MCT, respectively, headquartered in the city and County of Santa Rita do Sapucaí, MG, 510, João de Camargo Avenue, Downtown, zip code 37.540-000, hereinafter called Inatel, represented by its Director, Prof. Carlos Nazareth Motta Marins , Brazilian, engineer, married, domiciled in this city and county, makes public this call for selecting projects for participation at 43th Technological Fair of Inatel – Fetin, that will occur from September 25th to 27th, 2024.
For more information, please follow the instructions that are described below.
If you have any further questions, please send an email to intercambio@inatel.br
Check out the newest version of the Fetin Magazine.
From June 8th to August 2nd, 2024
Sending the FETIN Application Form, projects and documents. (Anexo I)
From to August 5th to August 10th, 2024
Result (the selected projects will receive the confirmation)
From August 12th to September 1rt, 2024
Sending the Questionnaire of Arrival. It will confirm that you certainly will come. (Anexo II)
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