Brazil is a country of continental dimensions with great variation among different regions; we can cite cultural, economic and climatic changes. Therefore, we will focus on the city and the region where INATEL is located.

Currency in Brazil

The currency in Brazil is R$ - Real. No payment is made with other currencies. It is important to say that in big cities such as São Paulo, you can perform a great variety of currencies exchange. Santa Rita do Sapucaí has no money exchange currency place, but there is a exchange currency agency in the city of Pouso Alegre.

The exchange rate system in Brazil is "floating" and this means that there are variations in the value of Real against other currencies. The main reference is the change in the value compared to the current U.S. dollar and Euro.

The reference used for conversion can be found on this website:

Credit card

Credit cards are generally accepted in most of national and local stores. The most commonly used flags are Visa and MasterCard.

Acquisition of Mobile Phones

In Brazil, there are four main mobile phone companies operators: Vivo, Claro and TIM. You must have your passport.

Energy in Brazil

At Santa Rita do Sapucaí the most common is 110/127 VAC but it is also possible to find 220 VAC in some places. It is recommended to bring a power adapter.

Transport in Santa Rita do Sapucaí

As Santa Rita do Sapucaí is a small town, the population uses different means of transportation. Most of people use their own cars, motorcycles, bicycles and city buses. But depending on where you live, it is common to be walking around.

Travel information

Brazilian information can be found at: