1. Visas

    After the acceptance from Inatel, the students have to provide the visa to come to Brazil. Make contact with the Consulate of Brazil in their country to receive more information about documents, fees and service hours.

    Click here to visualize the representations of Brazil around the world.

    Inatel is going to send an Acceptance Letter to obtain the visa.

  2. Life Insurance and travel Insurance

    The students have to provide a life and travel Insurance that is in force during the time they are going to stay in Brazil. The document has to be valid all around the national territory and offer coverage for hospitalization, among other medical emergencies.

    It is also required the hiring of international travel insurance, which offers assistance in case of unforeseen embarkation and return of travelers. The travel insurance usually provides protection for risks of accidental death and total or partial permanent disability due to accident and, sometimes, other coverages.

    Insurance arrangements are divided according to the destination and purpose of the trip, beyond the means of transport. There are several types of insurance available in the market, the students should check what best meets their needs.

  3. Legal proceedings

    3.1 Federal Police

    3.1.1 Registro Nacional de Estrangeiros (RNE) and Carteira de Identidade de Estrangeiros (CIE)

    Every foreigner who has a VISA IV, must be registered at the Federal Police in up 30 days of arrival in Brazil, as well as do the procedures related to the emission of the Foreigner Identity Card (CIE).

    The students will receive orientation from the International Office about the documents, fees and other procedures inherent to the Alien Registration and Foreigner's Identity Card.

    3.1.2 Extension of the period of stay

    The maximum stay period of a foreigner in Brazil, student visa holder, is 360 days a year. The renewal must be made within 30 days before the end of the period granted at the entrance of the country.

    The extension is not automatic, the foreigner must attend the nearest Federal Police unit, where the documents and proof of payment of the corresponding fee must be presented.

    The administrative procedure will be initiated, and at the end, the foreigner's stay may be extended.

    The students will receive information from the International Office about the documents, fees and other procedures inherent to the extension of the period of stay.

    3.1.3 Cadastro de Pessoa Física (CPF)

    The register of individuals (CPF) is the registration of a citizen in the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service.

    Its ownership is not required, but is required to make financial transactions, such as opening bank accounts, hire purchase, etc.

    Students will receive guidance from the International Bureau on procedures for registering and releasing the CPF.