Radiocommunications Reference Center
To put in place mechanisms that allow Brazil to occupy a prominent place in the segment of telecommunications, by researching, evaluating, and developing technologies and solutions that meet the demands of Brazilian society and the country's specific demographical, geographical, and economic features. read more...

Long-Range, High-Capacity Radio Links
The CRR is to create links digital radio solutions point-to-point high capacity for Internet access that is precarious in many rural communities and small towns, in all regions of the country. You can also enable wireless communication links to interconnect petroleum resources exploration platforms in regions of the pre-salt.
Wireless Broadband Access
With the high demand for wireless Internet access devices, network performance in the different parameters should be noted, as data transfer rates, storage efficiency, battery life, and other factors. The Reference Center for Radio aims to ensure the quality of equipment designed for Internet access wireless broadband.
5th-Generation Networks
New scenarios foreseen for the fifth generation (5G) of mobile telephony brings challenges that can not be overcome only with the increased data flow. Among these: distribution services videos, share on social networks images and HD video, communication between devices without human intervention, Solutions for Smart Homes and Smart Grids and others.
Satellite Communication Links
A major contribution of the center in satellite communications is to provide technical, strategic and financial benefits to the operations relating to civil defense, education and health in a country of great diversity and facing the challenge of ensuring good care cultural partner for the entire population in different regions. Another aspect of great importance is attached to the armed forces, who can use satellite communications for its tactical, strategic and administrative operations.