To put in place mechanisms that allow Brazil to occupy a prominent place in the segment of telecommunications, by researching, evaluating, and developing technologies and solutions that meet the demands of Brazilian society and the country’s specific demographical, geographical, and economic features.
The Center's Areas of Activity
- Scientific research applied to areas related to radiocommunications.
- Technological innovation and development geared toward services and products.
- Qualification of human resources in the latest radiocommunications technologies.
- Certification of radiocommunications-related products and services.
The Center in the Coordination of a Business Cluster
- Governmental and regulatory agencies.
- Associated Research & Development Institutions.
- Associated Businesses.
General Results Expected
- Strengthening of the domestic industry in the sector.
- Scientific and technological development that boosts new opportunities and the qualification of human resources to meet future market demand.
- Domestic-based technological development for export of products, processes, and services with high added value, contributing to the country’s balance of trade.
- Development of technologies to meet the demand of regions whose needs are not currently met by conventional technologies.
- Functional quality assurance for radiocommunications-related services and devices.
- More efficient use of radiocommunications resources.