Subject Areas
Long-Range, High-Capacity Radio Links
Analysis of the demand for wireless communications resources for Internet access.
Analysis of the demand for telecommunications infrastructure in areas of high priority for national development.
Study of propagation at UHF frequencies and definition of a communications channel model to meet specific Brazilian needs.
Research on more adequate communications techniques (source coding, channel coding, and digital modulation) to enable access to broadband networks.
Proposal of a reference model for radio links, aiming to meet the established demands.
Qualification of human resources.
Long-Range, High-Capacity Radio Links
Analysis of the demand for wireless communications resources for Internet access.
Analysis of the demand for telecommunications infrastructure in areas of high priority for national development.
Study of propagation at UHF frequencies and definition of a communications channel model to meet specific Brazilian needs.
Research on more adequate communications techniques (source coding, channel coding, and digital modulation) to enable access to broadband networks.
Proposal of a reference model for radio links, aiming to meet the established demands.
Qualification of human resources.
Satellite Communication Links
Study and survey of a satellite link propagation model on the X, Ku, and Ka bands, taking Brazil’s microclimates into account.
Development of a reference model for a broadband satellite communication modem, including the phases of frequency conversion, low noise amplification, and high-power amplification for large and medium-sized transmission and reception stations.
Analysis and proposal of models for integrating last-mile data distribution stations (such as base stations, access point, and others) to satellite link systems.
Qualification of human resources in the satellite communications field.
Wireless Broadband Access
Qualification of human resources in mobile communication technologies.
Performance analysis of wireless communication standards for Internet access and verification of their suitability for national and regional needs.
5th-Generation Networks
Survey of probable scenarios of the use of 5G networks in Brazil and definition of requirements.
Study of new digital transmission techniques based on non-orthogonal multi-carrier transmission, comparative performance analysis, and a proposal for parameterization to meet specifically Brazilian needs.
Study of the influence of new modulation techniques on the other transmission layer subsystems, such as multiplexing, channel coding and multiple access, spectral sensing, spectral fragmentation, and opportunistic access.
Development of a flexible reference model to meet the different needs foreseen for 5G networks.
Study of optical links with multi-level modulations and radio-over-fiber solutions for interconnecting low-latency, high-throughput base stations.
Study of cognitive network and cognitive radio solutions for 5G networks.
Study of new solutions for radiating systems applicable to 5G networks.
Integration of 5G networks with the future Internet.
Study and analysis of communications protocols for a more efficient use of the physical layer based on new digital transmission technologies.
Qualification of human resources for designing and implementing future cellular mobile communication networks.